CURRY lovers across the Tees Valley are being given the opportunity to learn more about Britain's favourite food.

The Learning and Skills Council Tees Valley and the Workers' Educational Alliance are hosting three bite-size courses designed to introduce local people to the pleasures of the dish.

On the menu for the course will be the history of curry and how to prepare some basic dishes, and an expose of some of the myths surrounding Indian food, recently voted Britain's favourite cuisine.

Course tutor and development worker Yasmin Khan said: "During the course we will be showing people how to make chapatis ands snacks such as bhajis, as well as preparing basic ingredients and spices such as onion, garlic, ginger and chilli.

"The session is interactive and people will be encouraged to ask as many questions as possible."

To find out more about the curry course and information on more than 750 other free bite-size courses that are organised by the Learning and Skills Council Tees Valley, contact Learn Direct on 0800 100900.