MORE than 200 quoits enthusiasts gathered at a North-East museum over the weekend.

Beamish Museum hosted the two-day 2001 World Championship Quoits matches.

Quoits is an ancient game, thought to date back to Roman times, and has been growing in popularity in recent years.

The event, which took place on Saturday and Sunday, was organised by the National Quoits Association.

Since the association was founded in 1986, the game has increased in popularity and many new leagues have been formed throughout the country.

Inquiries have been received from as far afield as Canada and Australia, and quoits enthusiasts around the world have set up websites.

Pitches were specially built in the Colliery Village at Beamish for the championships and there were entries from players in Cleveland, Durham, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear.

Others travelled from further afield to take part, including Scotland and North Yorkshire.