ROSEBERRY Topping is the dramatic backdrop for a special pampering day at Pinchinthorpe Hall, near Guisborough, to raise funds for Butterwick Children's Hospice.

The event, tomorrow, has been arranged by Virgin Cosmetics Group sales manager Jane Braithwaite and the fund raising office at the hospice.

Guests will have an opportunity to try out the latest beauty products and have a makeover courtesy of Virgin Cosmetics consultants.

Ms Braithwaite said: "Tickets are being limited so that our guests will be able to make the most of the afternoon and try out many different products. It will be great fun."

The event starts at noon when guests will be welcomed with a glass of champagne before having lunch in a marquee in the hall's historic grounds.

Tickets cost £15 and Virgin Cosmetics will contribute 20 per cent of sales orders on the day to the hospice.

For details call Sally Lyons on (01642) 624231.