A SERIES of urban walks is being planned in Gateshead to help people stay fit and healthy.

And volunteer leaders are being sought to help run the scheme.

Health Walks Gateshead is being organised by Gateshead Borough Council, South Tyneside Health Promotion Service, Age Concern Gateshead (Ageing Well Project) and the Gateshead Primary Care Group.

From August there will be a series of short walks - some of them led, some not - designed to get people exercising in their neighbourhood, rather than having to head for the countryside.

Health walks are different to everyday walking because the pace is brisker and the walker breathes a little harder than normal.

The volunteers who will lead the walks will undergo an accredited training course to ensure that they are competent and capable of taking responsibility for a group of walkers.

Councillor David Napier, the council cabinet member for health, said: "The Health Walks scheme is an excellent example of how Gateshead council is committed to looking after the health and well-being of people of all ages, right across the borough."

To become a volunteer leader call Jeff Usher at Age Concern Gateshead, on 0191-433 3908.

For general information about the walks call Gillian Murray at the council on 0191-433 3908.