PASSENGERS cheered and champagne flowed as romance blossomed at 33,000ft.

Blushing 19-year-old Jayne Fuller cried with joy when boyfriend Philip Wood's marriage proposal was relayed over the tannoy during a flight to Turkey.

She said: "Everybody on the plane started clapping and before I realised it Philip had slipped the ring on my finger.''

The Airtours staff, who helped organise the announcement, made by the head steward, before serving champagne to celebrate.

Jayne, of Farndale Gardens, Shildon, County Durham, never suspected a thing before the proposal, made one and a half hours into the flight.

Philip, who lives in nearby Butterknowle, later admitted that it was the most nerve-wracking 90 minutes he had ever spent.

The 21-year-old said: "I was sweating buckets. At one point I was stuck behind the drinks trolley and I thought I wouldn't get back to the seat in time for the announcement.''

The proposal was a dream come true for Jayne, who had already got her heart set on a ring she had seen in a high street jewellers.

She said: "I had been pointing it out for months and I tried it on at the beginning of the year. Philip kept saying 'one day but not for a long time'."

Planning the romantic proposal was hardly plain-sailing as Philip, who had memorised the ring size, was told the shop could not reduce it to fit Jayne's finger.

But after several phonecalls to other stores across the country, a ring the exact size was finally traced to a store in Portsmouth.

Philip, who works at GlaxoSmithKline, in Barnard Castle, said: "It arrived one week before we were due to fly, I didn't think it would come.''

Parents on both sides are absolutely delighted by the engagement and congratulations cards awaited their return yesterday morning.

Jayne said: "It was unforgettable I kept thinking it was all a dream this sort of thing only happens in the movies.''

A spokesperson for Airtours said: "Holidays often bring out the romantic side of people and this is a perfect example. We wish Philip and Jayne lots of luck for the future.''