NORTH Yorkshire Police and Sergeant Nicola Lamb did a very brave thing yesterday. The force announced publicly that it had assisted one of its officers to have a sex change, and that Sgt Lamb was that officer.

Both North Yorkshire Police and Sgt Lamb have lain themselves open to ridicule but that, we hope, will only come from a narrow-minded minority. The modern world can be a challenging - even perplexing - place, and it is understandable that some - perhaps many - feel uncomfortable with the notion of sex change operations. There may also be raised eyebrows at the force employing a "diversity advisor".

However, North Yorkshire, after a troubled past, is grappling with the modern world in a bid to come to terms with it. And surely no one would begrudge another the right to live their life in the way that makes them happiest, as long as that doesn't interfere with anyone else.

Openness is nearly always the best policy. North Yorkshire has saved itself from snide remarks and prurient media interest - something that cannot be said of a neighbouring force which often, through its lack of openness, appears to be deliberately making life hard for itself.

We wish Sgt Lamb luck as she goes through what is obviously a very traumatic period in her life. She and North Yorkshire should now be allowed to get on with their job of fighting crime and making the county a safer, better place for one and all to live.

Sgt Lamb, like any other officer in the force, should only be judged on how effectively she performs that job. Her gender should not come into it.

Britain, which is suffering from a chronic shortage of police officers, would be extremely foolish and narrow-minded if it were to reject someone simply because they were different.