WORK on a £91,000 project to give a market town a new-look tourist information centre (TIC) is expected to get under way later this year.

Hambleton District Council has revealed its preferred plans for the re-location of the Thirsk visitor centre and wants construction to begin in November.

The scheme, which is aiming to provide a higher profile for the authority in the heart of Herriot Country, is also set to give a boost to another attraction.

The current facility is based in the £1.4m World of James Herriot Centre, which will be allowed to expand once the new Market Place TIC is up and running.

Councillors are being urged to back a scheme which is likely to generate an income of about £20,000 per year.

The authority is hoping to have a new TIC in place by Easter next year, allowing the Herriot centre to begin the new season with an extended retail outlet.

a display of World War Two vehicles by the Khaki Chums military vehicle preservation society.