A cerebral palsy victim who was attacked by youths as young as 11 has been left too frightened to leave his home, a friend said today.

Alan Powell, 32, was kicked by a girl and four boys aged between 11 and 14 as he went to buy some tissues at his local shop.

Mr Powell, described by his friend as having a heart of gold, was kicked four times as he rode in his electric wheelchair at around 9pm yesterday.

The friend, who did not wish to be named, said: ''They first asked him for cigarettes and he refused because he doesn't smoke.

''They then told him to give them his money and then took it upon themselves to kick him in the back and chased him up the street as he tried to get away.''

Mr Powell's friend said local youths regularly picked on people with disabilities. She added: ''I keep saying to Alan they (the youths) are the ones with the problem, not you.

''Whenever he leaves the house he gets abuse of some kind, whether his support worker is with him or not.

''All Alan wants to do is live a normal life like everyone else but these people won't let him.

''Alan is amazing, he has a heart of gold and is one of the nicest people you could meet.''

The attack has left Mr Powell shaken and frightened to leave his home in the Raby Gardens area of Hartlepool.

He used to enjoy trips to the shops, pub and bookmaker in his wheelchair but now will not go out unaccompanied.

The friend added: ''That's not right because he was always able to lead his own life and they have taken away his right to do what he wants.''

Cleveland Police have appealed for witnesses to the attack.

Updated: 16.00 Monday, July 23