A mother of three who left a teenager horribly scarred after a dance floor glassing had her grievous bodily harm conviction overturned by top judges at London's Appeal Court today.

June Harrison, 35, left 18-year-old Catherine Bradford needing 22 stitches in her face after a "dance floor cat fight" ended in horror.

Harrison, of Pine Street, Seaton Burn, Newcastle was convicted of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and sentenced to three years jail at Newcastle Crown Court on March 14 this year.

But Appeal Court judge, Lord Justice Clarke, today quashed the conviction because of a flaw in the trial judge's summing up to the jury.

The judge, sitting with Mr Justice Burton and Sir Richard Tucker, imposed an alternative conviction for the lesser offence of Section 20 wounding an cut Harrison's sentence to two years.

He told how Harrison - who had no previous convictions - pushed a glass into Miss Bradford's face after a Saturday night "cat fight" at the Six Mile Bridge pub in Seaton Burn on March 18 this year.

It left her with five wounds to her face and neck, one of which severed a blood vessel which needed six sutures to stop it "spurting", the court heard.

Penny Moreland, for Harrison, had told the Appeal Court that the trial judge had wrongly taken away from the jury the option of convicting her of the lesser offence.

Updated: 15.43 Tuesday, July 24