TIME is to be called on a district's lager louts.

Middlesbrough is looking at plans for new powers which would allow local authorities to declare areas drink free.

Borough council leader Ken Walker was yesterday presented with a petition on behalf of the four community councils in south Middlesbrough, calling for a total ban on drinking in public places in neighbourhoods.

Newham ward councillor Paul Thompson said: "Drinking in public places and the anti-social behaviour which almost invariably goes with it has become a major headache for residents.''

He said parks, open spaces and shopping precincts were all hot spots for drink-related problems, and a total ban on drinking was the only solution.

Coun Walker said he had every sympathy with residents. He added: "We'll work with the police and our community safety section and with community councils and residents to see if new legislation is the answer.

"We will do our best to provide a workable solution which can prevent this kind of nuisance.''

Creating safer neighbourhoods was a council key objective, he said.