PARENTS and their children held a picnic in front of Darlington Town Hall yesterday in a protest at proposals to cut free school transport.

Campaigners aim to keep pressure on the council, which proposes to change the qualifying distance for free transport.

Pupils who live more than two miles from their nearest or most appropriate school are entitled to free travel, but the council proposes to increase the distance to three miles, saving £250,000, to be spent in classrooms.

Campaigners from the town's Catholic schools have staged a protest walk and parents at Skerne Park Primary School protested at a council meeting.

Campaigners say if the transport is cut it will be dangerous and tiring for children if they walk to school.

Parent John Rodgers said: "We are doing this to keep the protest in the mind of the council. I am sure the officers of the council are in there, and probably many elected members, so we are doing this so they are aware of what sort of support we have got."

Protestors are presenting a petition to the council against the proposals tomorrow.

A decision on the proposal is expected in September.