CHILDREN across Derwentside had fun, turned green and went ape at Consett Park yesterday.

Environmentalists The Acorn Trust joined up with Busy Ape Arts to organise a fun day and picnic at the park as the sun shone.

Hundreds of children turned up to take part in a number of educational games designed to teach the youngsters about their environment - including art work with Busy Ape Arts.

"The most popular activity with us this year seems to have been the bird box making," said Acorn Trust projects manager Kath Ivens.

"We also had orienteering, a nature trail and a scavenger hunt. There's a little bit of education involved, but the main thing is just to have fun."

This is the fourth Acorn Trust fun day at the park and this year Derwentside District Council was also involved along with the Durham Wildlife Trust.

The fun seekers will have noticed a new information sign in the park to mark the beginning of £1.4m restoration work. The money has been awarded to the council by the Heritage Lottery Fund. The sign was unveiled by children from St Mary's School, Blackhill on Friday.

One feature of the new park will be a restored Victorian bandstand.