UNION leaders from Teesside's steel industry have welcomed ministerial intervention after the US threatened to impose duties on steel imports.

Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt was yesterday spelling out the consequences of the proposed new tariffs at the start of a three-day visit to Washington.

Tony Poynter, chairman of the multi-union steel committee at Teesside's Corus works, said the concerns had arisen because America is experiencing increasing difficulties in its steel industry and is considering imposing import duties.

But he said claims by Corus that 13,000 workers could be hit at its UK plants, including Teesside, were exaggerated.

""I think it is over the top and I think it has just been done to coincide with the minister's visit to America," he said.

"We still have to take it seriously though, because the US is such a big country - but the Government is out there supporting us and the European Union is behind us as well."

It could be a further blow to Teesside's beleaguered steel industry. In February, the Anglo Dutch steel giant announced it would be axing 6,000 jobs, including 1,100 on Teesside.