A FORMER paratrooper, who is battling lung cancer, has made one final parachute jump to raise money for young sport stars.

Pensioner Edward Brown made the jump at Shotton air field to collect funds for a new boxing academy in his home town of Thornlee, County Durham.

Widower Mr Brown, 70, asked friends and relatives to sponsor his tandem jump and he hopes to have raised more than three hundred pounds.

All the money raised will go towards opening a new boxing club for youngsters who have nothing else to do.

Mr Brown's daughter Hilary Cummiskey said: "He found out just under a year ago that he had lung cancer and his first question was 'can I do another parachute jump?'

"Nothing can hold him back. He is having treatment for the cancer but is staying happy and on top of things.

"He wanted to raise money for the young people in the village and for the boxing club which is being planned."

An avid reader of The Northern Echo, Mr Brown made his jump last weekend from more than 5,000 feet watched by his proud family.

Mrs Cummiskey said: "He was like a small child when he had done the jump.

"He was so excited. This has meant a lot to him and he will remember it for a long time to come."

Updated: 15.23 Tuesday, July 24