The step-sister of war diarist Anne Frank was today receiving an honorary degree from the University of Northumbria.

Eva Schloss, who survived the Auschwitz concentration camp, is receiving an Honorary Doctorate of Civil Law from the Faculty of Health, Social Work and Education in Newcastle.

She has spent her life spreading a message of tolerance, is a founder member of the Anne Frank Educational Trust and has taken part in educational events across the country - including one at the university.

Her play And Then They Came For Me, which features her life and experiences of the Holocaust, was staged at the university.

Miss Schloss, whose mother married Anne Frank's father after the war, went into hiding with her family for two years but they were captured and sent to Auschwitz.

It was there that Anne died at the age of 13.

University vice-chancellor Professor Gilbert Smith said: ''Despite the dehumanisation process she endured at Auschwitz, Eva has proved herself a true survivor and a remarkable human being.

''Her message of endurance and her constant reminders about the dangers of racism make her a real inspiration for our new graduates.''

Updated: 13.30 Tuesday, July 24