A RESIDENTS' group is opposing plans for a new police station because it says the building will be a "carbuncle''.

The Seaham Environmental Association also claims that people in the town have not been consulted about the proposal.

However, Durham Police have rejected the claim, saying that it followed official planning procedures and did seek views.

The £1m single-storey building on land, near New Strangford Road, will replace the east Durham town's police station, in Londonderry House, a Grade II Listed Building.

The association has written to Easington District Council objecting to the proposals, saying the building will look like a factory, raising fears about vehicle access and claiming lack of consultation.

The association's secretary, Norman Border, said: "The site is one of the main entrances to Seaham and we feel we deserve better architecturally.

"It has an arched aluminium roof. We have new factories going up at Dawdon and they are not too dissimilar in style.

"It has no allegiance with any building in the area.

"We feel it is a carbuncle. A building can be built with security in mind and be architecturally proud. Just look at the banks that used to be built.

"We'll have to live with this police station for a long time and we think we deserve a better design.''

The force's finance and administration director, Steve Cheston, said: "There is a strict planning procedure to be followed when putting forward planning proposals of this sort and we have adhered to it to the letter."