A DISABLED man in a wheelchair was attacked by a gang of teenagers as he made his way to his local shops.

Alan Powell, who suffers from cerebral palsy, was stopped by a group of four or five, in Raby Road, Hartlepool, near to its junction with Avondale Gardens at 9pm on Sunday.

The gang, all aged between 13 and 15, and believed to include a girl, demanded money from him.

He refused and they then attacked him. He suffered slight back injuries after one youngster kicked the backrest on his electric wheelchair. Last night, he remained extremely traumatised.

His pockets were rifled for small change and cigarettes before he managed to scramble to his feet.

He tried to escape on foot but the gang chased him along the street before finally ending the attack.

Mr Powell, 32, said: "This is the fourth time something like this has happened and I don't know why they do it.

"I just want to be able to go out on my own now and again and visit the shops.

"After this has happened I don't know whether I want to try any more. I am worried it will happen again.

"I am very upset and I am still tired and aching."

A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said the crime was "appalling" and those responsible must be caught.

She said: "These people have no sense of morals to commit a crime like this.

"This was an appalling attack on a disabled, defenceless man in a wheelchair."

In a previous attack on Mr Powell, he had similarly refused to hand over money to a gang of young thugs.

He was repeatedly kicked and punched by the gang.

Police later made arrests but the case did not go to court due to a lack of evidence.

Detective Sergeant Tony Green, of Hartlepool CID said: "I am appalled by this incident. The victim was quite obviously very vulnerable and it saddens me that people can stoop to such depths of depravity."

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Peter Graham, of Hartlepool police, on (01642) 302126.