FUTURE life in the borough of Stockton comes under the spotlight today as representatives from every sector of the community come together to shape a vision for the next ten years.

Stockton Vision 2011 has been organised by regeneration organisation Stockton Renaissance and is sponsored by the Action Team for Jobs, which operates as part of the Employment Service.

People from all walks of life will meet to discuss needs, ideas and opportunities, and help to create a strategy for developing the area.

Issues to be debated range from the need for a confident and vibrant society, to building an inspiring environment, and the economy, and the whole exercise is designed to complement a wider strategy being developed for the whole of the Tees Valley.

Adam Scott, Stockton Borough Council's assistant director for regeneration and economic development, said: "One thing is certain over the next decade Stockton will see significant changes, but how will we respond to these changes and which direction will we take?

"The year 2011 may seem very distant, but the decisions we take now will determine the way we live and work in the years to come."

Stockton Renaissance Board will meet later in the year to consider the conclusions of the seminar.