BUSINESSES still struggling with the fallout from foot-and-mouth disease have been granted an extension to a rate relief lifeline.

Following Westminster's announcement that councils would be given more money to compensate for lost income, the local authority in Richmondshire has confirmed it will continue to waive demands for non-domestic rates until December 31 this year.

In addition, businesses with a rateable value of £50,000 can now claim relief, backdated to April this year. Originally, the Government had indicated only firms with a rateable value of £12,000 would qualify.

"We have been campaigning hard for this scheme to be extended to fully fund relief for all local firms," said council leader John Blackie.

"Obviously, we are delighted the Government has responded with a further cash injection to fund a six-month extension, but we are bitterly disappointed that it does not provide us with the money we would need to help some of our bigger employers. As a result, we intend to keep up our lobbying efforts in the hope of securing as much money as possible for the district.