A BID by market traders to extend their regular hours to catch late shoppers is expected to be turned down by council chiefs.

Traders in Northallerton have asked Hambleton District Council for permission to stay open for a further hour on Wednesdays and Saturdays during the summer months.

They believe the move, which would see market days finish at 6pm, would enable them to benefit from the business of people shopping after work and late shoppers.

However, the authority is likely to refuse the request from the Hambleton branch of the National Market Traders' Federation.

Officers say there would be major practical difficulties in introducing the new hours which would outweigh the small benefit to traders.

The council's director of planning and environmental services, Steve Quartermain, said: "The extension by one hour does, on reflection, seem to be a reasonable request, but there are a number of operational factors which need to be considered.

"It is difficult at the present time to ensure that traders are packed up and away from the market by 5pm.

"The consequence of this is that it delays the dismantling and sweeping of the market, which means that the operations which should be completed by 6.30pm, weather permitting, are sometimes not completed until 7.30pm.

"If the hours were extended it could be expected that traders would still be slow in packing away and therefore the market cleaning and dismantling operation may not be completed until 8.30pm."

It is also claimed that the move could also cause problems for council staff, who start work at 5am to ensure that market stalls are in place for 7am. Mr Quartermain said this eventually could lead to market operators working from 5am to 8.30pm.

He said: "The difficulties in implementing this far outweigh the small benefit that the traders may derive from any extended hours."

The issue is due to be discussed at a council cabinet meeting on Thursday.