A MINI community is being planned for an area of open land on the outskirts of Darlington - just yards from the site of the proposed West Park estate.

The "local centre development" next to Alverton Drive, in the Faverdale area of town, will include retail and living areas, if Darlington Borough Council's planning committee gives its approval.

As well as a two-storey block of 14 apartments, the proposals include convenience stores, two shops and a GP's surgery, plus car parking.

Last week, The Northern Echo reported that outline plans for the West Park development had been given a boost by the Government Office for the North East, which decided not to call the plans in for inspection.

The plans, submitted by Teesside firm Ingleby Barwick Land and Property Developments, would provide a boost to the area, which lacks shops and other facilities.

Last night, residents welcomed the plans, which they say will make life easier.

"We desperately need some shops. It's not too far to walk into Cockerton for most people, but what about those who can't make it that far on their own," said Elaine Duncan.

A spokesman for the developer said yesterday: "It will be good for the area to have local services at hand, instead of trailing to maybe Cockerton, or Darlington town centre, for a loaf of bread, or to visit a doctor."

The West Park development, across the A68, is in its final planning stages. Developer Bussey and Armstrong is in talks with Darlington council to finalise the details.

As well as up to 600 new homes, the plans - the biggest in Darlington's history - will provide a new mental health centre, to replace Darlington Memorial Hospital's Pierremont Unit.

A new home for Mowden Park Rugby Club, including press facilities and floodlighting, is also planned for the West Park site.

The development is scheduled to take ten years to complete.

The latest proposals are expected to come before the council's planning committee in the near future, following a public consultation exercise in the area.