TEES Valley company Consteel Technical Services is celebrating 25 years in business, thanks to advice from chartered accountants Keith Robinson and Co.

The company, which offers structural detailing services to clients across the UK and US, has worked on a wide range of projects including stadiums, shopping centres, entertainment complexes, hotels and manufacturing plants.

The Saltburn business has worked with Keith Robinson and Co for more than 20 years.

The accountants recently coordinated the finance needed for the company to open offices in Saltburn, and South Bank, in Middlesbrough.

Keith Robinson and Co also advised Consteel when the business was bought by a US firm three years ago, establishing strong links with clients on the other side of the Atlantic.

Bruce Rogers, from Keith Robinson and Co, said: "It is great to see a Teesside-based company succeeding in a global market and celebrating its 25th anniversary.

"Consteel has expanded and developed at a fast pace over the years and I am sure that this will continue."

Consteel managing director Derrick Stewart said: "This is an important achievement for us and one of which we are very proud.

"Twenty-five years in business is a real milestone and we are looking forward to celebrating the next 25 years."