HAULIERS across the UK are being asked to open up their driver records to police investigating the murder of a prostitute.

Detectives are painstakingly sifting through transport records to trace delivery drivers who were in Middlesbrough the weekend 21-year-old Vicky Glass vanished last September.

Her decomposing remains were discovered on a remote stretch of moorland above the village of Danby, near Whitby, last November.

The Cannon Park lorry park, Middlesbrough, was part of the beat of the woman who sold her body to pay for her drugs habit.

Detective Superintendent Brian Dunn, the man leading the hunt for her killer, told The Northern Echo: "We are talking about a couple of hundred companies. We know the Cannon Park parking facility is used by a number of companies.

"We have identified people who park there at various times, through talking to local prostitutes who have given us details of companies and drivers.''

Mr Dunn said: "I am looking for anybody who was in the area a couple of days leading up to Vicky's disappearance, in particular over Saturday, September 23 until the early hours of September 24.

"We cannot check every lorry company in the country but I have to identify the most common used companies. It is causing some problems, not least for the companies themselves, some of whom have no fewer than 500 drivers.''

Vicky who was known to go off with lorry drivers for up to a week at a time, kept a diary which the team has used to trace and speak to clients.

Mr Dunn said: "We have tracked down a number of boyfriends who had relationships with Vicky or sexual intercourse.''

He added: "I think the length of time we have continued with this inquiry should send a message out to these people we will continue until we have exhausted all possible lines of inquiry and have no where else to go.''

Police have been dogged by a wall of silence surrounding the murder, while "many people'' mistakenly believe that Shaun Tuley, sentenced to life imprisonment by a judge at Teesside Crown Court this week for the Cannon Park murder of prostitute Kellie Mallinson, was also responsible for Vicky's death.

Updated: 17.15 Wednesday, July 25