FOLK enthusiasts from across Britain came to the North-East during the weekend for one of the biggest events in the region's folk calendar.

The 12th Durham Folk Party, which is renowned for its relaxed atmosphere, began on Friday.

This year's event coincided with the Folkworks Durham Gathering, which started on Tuesday. More than 250 musicians were in the city for the Gathering, including Northumbrian piper Kathryn Tickell, Shetland fiddler Catriona McDonald and master of the accordion John Kirkpatrick.

Saturday saw the annual folk picnic in the grounds of the Durham Light Infantry Museum, where performers included musical ensembles from the Folkworks Summer Schools and a band of more than 70 fiddlers.

Durham City Rugby Club will be the main indoor venue for the Folk Party where singers, dancers and musicians mingled and enjoyed each other's talents.

Throughout the weekend there were displays by more than a dozen dance teams in the Market Place, on Elvet Bridge and in the Prince Bishop's Shopping Centre.

On Sunday, the Rugby Club staged the Northern Counties Clog Dancing Championship.