Sir, - We read with some dismay and concern the report of what was said by some councillors at the meeting of Guisborough Town Council on the debate about Christmas lights.

We would like to point out, in particular to Couns Pudney and Griffiths, that other organisations do get involved in the lights and our association has worked in partnership with the town council on this project. Last year, we donated nearly £2,500 towards the cost of the lights. Guisborough town pride also arranged for the lights on the trees at Sunnyfield House.

These councillors appear to have missed the point that it is the residents of Guisborough, the people whom they represent, who want to see a good display of Christmas lights. Last year many people said how much they enjoyed the display. Obviously these two councillors did not.

We agree with Coun Pudney that the cost of erecting and taking down the lights ("these things", as he calls them) is farcical. But this is what Redcar and Cleveland council charges. As he is lead councillor on the borough council, maybe he can get the charge reduced!

We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with the positive members of the town council with the help of the town clerk.

STAN FRANK (chairman)

MRS ALMA THROWER (secretary)

On behalf of the committee,

Guisborough business association.

Hidden agenda?

Sir, - The recent re-opening of the public footpaths on the Studley estate is a welcome though partial return to normality. The specific statement from the National Trust that the continuing prevention of vehicular access and use of the carriageway is only temporary is also welcome, but just how long is temporary?

If the concern of the National Trust is focused primarily on the welfare of the deer herd, the decision some time ago to reopen a whole section of the estate which necessitates vehicular use of the new access road was, for me a contradiction. Surely for an exclusion to be effective it needs to be total.

It is well known that deer stray from the park into the surrounding countryside and I am certain they do not discriminate about walking across the road which runs directly off the Pateley Bridge road and literally just over and alongside the boundary wall of the deer park.

Not only commercial vehicles serving the visitor centre, but daily visitor vehicles from near and far are using this road as well as those coming to evening events.

An effective protective measure at the onset of the epidemic would have been vaccination. It could still be a valid exercise.

No one wishes any harm to befall the deer. However, it is now approaching six months that the public has been excluded and a balance needs to be struck. I, like many others am prepared to be patient as long as the welfare of the herd is realistically the sole reason - that there is not a hidden agenda of delaying and deterring. I note that the National Trust has requested people to park in the visitor centre car park. They have wanted us all to do this ever since they built it!


Field House,

Canal Road,


Openness stifled

Sir,. - The residents of Redcar and Cleveland should be aware that open and honest governance is being denied by the Labour group on the borough council.

At the meeting today, Conservative councillors Stanway and White put an amendment that officers should investigate all funding avenues to provide swimming baths at Redcar.

Labour made every excuse possible for not supporting this.

A recorded vote was called for, in order that the residents of Redcar could see who was in favour. They could then make their judgements in respect of their own ward councillors' commitment to providing new baths.

The legal officers ruled three times that a named vote was constitutionally in order.

Each time they were intimidated by Coun Walsh and other Labour members, until, after 30 minutes, the chief executive eventually gave in and consulted the mayor, Coun Vilma Collins, who ruled that the recorded vote was to be refused.

This exposed Labour's tactics of stifling democratic decision-making.

Labour were determined to conceal the truth that they will not support the early provision of swimming baths in Redcar, despite the advantages to the physical, mental and economic health of the people of Redcar.


Conservative councillor,




Grow up!

Sir, - I was appalled to read the article on the behaviour of certain members of Richmond Town Council, and I feel sure that many voters are now wishing that they hadn't bothered to waste a vote on the two Conservatives concerned.

No-one worthy of the title "councillor" would be concerned about where they sat. They are there to represent their own area, not to make their trivial personal whims known. My advice to them is to grow up with great speed.


7 Vicarage Road,


Catterick Garrison.