POLICE have urged residents to take care of their keys following a spate of letterbox burglaries in Chester-le-Street, Wearside.

Detective Sergeant Max Newby said there had been an increasing number of thefts of top-of-the-range cars and burglaries in recent months.

He said: "There appears to be two or three gangs operating in the area.

"They use either fishing rods, poles tied together, or car aerials to reach through letterboxes to pick up keys left in view."

On Tuesday night, thieves tried to steal an off-road vehicle in Great Lumley, but were prevented from taking it, because it had been blocked in by another vehicle.

The thieves then went to a nearby house where they stole keys through the letterbox and made off with a Ford.

Det Sgt Newby said: "We would urge people to keep their keys well out of view, preferably in a drawer.

"And if they have additional means to secure their cars, then they should use them."