A RUN-DOWN former mining village is to receive a £25,000 facelift.

Ushaw Moor, near Durham City, will benefit from traffic-calming measures including safer pedestrian crossings, new street lighting, furniture and a new village green.

The £25,000 grant from the County Durham Environmental Trust, through the Landfill Tax Credit scheme, will also pay for a village centrepiece. This will consist of a proposed landscape project, including plants, shrubs and a decorative screen, which will act as an attractive focal point for the community.

It is all part of a joint initiative by Durham County Council and Durham City Council to address deprivation in the Lower Deerness Valley.

Councillor Don Ross, county council deputy leader, said: "The project will give the village a much-needed facelift. It will help revive confidence and improve public perceptions of the area.

"Local people are very keen for the project to go ahead and the council is happy its technical expertise can translate their wishes into reality.