A GROUP of young people are on the heritage trail, searching out and sampling a city's historic places of interest.

The teenagers have spent a week of their six-week summer holidays to take part in the Saint, Sword and Mitre project.

The scheme has involved the youngsters touring visitor attractions in the Durham City area as part of their research to producing a heritage trail leaflet.

The publication will be aimed at a youthful audience, and so the group taking part are visiting each of the sites, investigating what they have to offer for young people.

Back at the project base, at Durham's Gilesgate Sports College, they are writing up their experiences to give a youthful perspective to the leaflet.

Project co-ordinators Jill Jackson and Louise Lumsden are helping the young researchers to gain a further insight into each of the places of interest via the Internet.

Parents of the youngsters involved in this week's project will be allowed to run the rule over their completed works before the leaflets are printed.

They will eventually be made available to other young people via Tourist Information Centres throughout County Durham.

As part of the research, the group visited Durham's recently revamped DLI Museum to see how it caters for young visitors.

The project is one of several aimed at enlivening the long summer holiday by Durham Education Authority's study support team.