Q Our joint weekly income from state and occupational pensions works out at £170.35. Our grandson of 21 lives with us but he is on Jobseeker's Allowance. Could we have a reduction of our council tax of £676.60 a year?

AIf your grandson gets income based Jobseeker's Allowance, no contribution will be assumed from him and you will be due a rebate of about £4.78 a week.

QMy husband and I are in our mid-seventies with joint state pensions of £126.74 a week and his works pension of £90.52 a month. We have £10,000 saved. Can we get help with our rent and council tax?

AProbably yes, even though you do not say what you are paying. After rebates you should be paying no more than £15-a- week basic rent and council tax of £240 a year.

QI was paying council tax of £30 a month after rebate but this has gone up to £69. My income is the same with our weekly pensions of £166.90 and mobility £154.50 a month. Are they right to do this?

AIt doesn't sound like it. You should only be paying £27.40. Your mobility payments should be ignored so check with the council.

QYou recently said that housing benefit could only be backdated for up to a year. Does this also apply to overpayments?

ANo. Where too much housing benefit has been paid because of customer error, the full overpayment must be repaid.

QI have just been diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, which means I must take regular oxygen. I already receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for angina. Can I get Attendance Allowance (AA)? I am 71.

AYou would have claimed DLA before reaching the age limit of 65. You might get more by going on to AA. This would depend upon what you are getting now and how much care you now need. AA rates are £37 and £55.30.

QHave the capital rules for residential care changed?

AYes. Now you must pay the full cost of care if your capital is over £18,500. The first £11,500 of capital is ignored.