TABLES were turned on a civilian employee at a North Yorkshire RAF base - when she was given the VIP treatment for a day.

Margaret Stead entered a competition in the Leeming and Londonderry fete, only to find she would be returning to work.

In her 20 years at RAF Leeming, Mrs Stead has been a personal assistant to nine wing commanders and deputy PA to three station commanders - earning her a commendation for her contribution to the smooth running of the station and an award for completing 10,000 hours of typing.

But a word processor was nowhere in sight when she and her party of seven were given the red carpet treatment by staff at the air traffic control centre, the Survival Equipment Centre, the pilots from XI Squadron and the rifle range.

Perhaps the highlight, though, was being served drinks by her boss, Wing Commander AJ Egerton, who welcomed the group to the Officers' Mess.