ENVIRONMENTAL health officers have published an information leaflet on the latest body piercing craze.

The booklet, produced by Sunderland City Council, is launched a week after Victoria Beckham was criticised for wearing a lip ring, later revealed to be a clip on.

It contains information on the risks involved, what to look for when choosing a piercer, and after-care advice.

Bob Bowman, director of health and housing, said: "Body piercing has become a lot more common in recent years but a lot of people aren't aware of the potential risks involved, which can range from damage to teeth in the case of lip rings to hepatitis B and HIV.

"We believe it's important that anyone who is thinking of having a piercing goes into it armed with all the facts.

"We hope this guide will help them make an informed decision both in terms of whether or not go ahead with the piercing and, if they do, in choosing a reputable piercer."

Copies of the booklet and further information are available from Sunderland City Council on 0191-553 1670.