A cycle bridge across a busy dual carriageway near Sedgefield was opened by Prime Minister Tony Blair yesterday.

The County Durham Gateway Bridge crosses the busy A689 at the site of the former Wynyard Station.

The Prime Minister stopped to chat with pupils from Bishop Middleham, Hardwick and Sedgefield Primary Schools and a group of walkers, before sitting on a bicycle to pose for pictures.

The £495,000 bridge incorporates artwork in the form of gently undulating tubes in the shape of a bird's wings radiating from both sides of the bridge.

Decorative lighting, which will operate from dusk to dawn, will highlight the green, orange and yellow wings.

The bridge, one of eight Millennium Bridges on the National Cycle Network, has been supported by National Lottery funds through Sustrans, the sustainable transport charity, and developed by Durham County Council.

John Grimshaw, Sustrans director and chief engineer, said: "The completion of this bridge after many years' negotiation completes the most significant remaining gap on the whole of the national route between York and Newcastle."

Meanwhile, plans to develop a cycle route across Darlington took a step forward yesterday.

Mr Grimshaw signed a document with the council's development and environment director, John Buxton, to cement a deal to start work on a 12-mile route through the town early next year.