THE water supply to hundreds of Darlington homes and businesses suffered discoloration at the weekend after contractors cut through a mains pipe.

Workmen in Cockerton accidentally severed the 18in main, which supplies a large area of Darlington, on Saturday morning, and immediately informed Northumbrian Water.

To ensure water continued to be supplied to every house in the town, the water company brought in a supply from another pipe while repair work was carried out on the damaged main.

A change in pressure between the two supplies meant some sediment was stirred up and the water became discoloured.

The repairs were finished by Sunday morning and the supply was switched back to normal, causing more sediment to enter the water supply.

Restaurants in the town, including Burger King, could only offer a small menu of drinks because of the problems.

A spokesman for Northumbrian Water said: "It takes some time for the effects of this to get through the system. Some people's water was still discoloured on Sunday, but it is harmless and will eventually run clear."

The spokesman stressed that the workmen who caused the problem were not working for Northumbrian Water.

Bottled water was delivered to people who needed it for medical reasons.