NO excuses - get yourself a smoke alarm.

That's the message from the region's fire brigades, which have launched a hard-hitting television campaign to help prevent fire deaths.

Five people have died in house fires in the Tyne and Wear area since April, and the most recent regional statistics show there have been 14 deaths over the same period.

Fire chiefs are urging homeowners to buy smoke alarms if they don't have them and, if they do, to check if they work.

George Herbert, chief fire officer for County Durham and Darlington, said: "Many lives are needlessly lost by not having smoke alarms in the home.

"When a fire starts you only have minutes to escape, and a smoke alarm can buy valuable time."

The campaign, which lasts until October 3, is run in conjunction with the Department for Transport Local Government and the Regions (DTGLR).

DTLGR minister Alan Witehead said: "Every home should have at least one smoke alarm that works and, through this campaign we are making sure that everyone knows how simple it is to buy and install a potentially life-saving smoke alarm."