TRAINEES from Stockton Borough Council have carved out a piece of the town with a bench commemorating the area's history.

The Stockton themed oak bench features carvings representing Stockton Castle, an anchor for the town's nautical past and a sturgeon for the largest recorded fish caught in Yarm.

The bench also features the image of a bell, symbolic of the fact that Big Ben was cast in Norton.

The Locomotion Number One also features on the bench.

It was designed by Phil Miller, the council's wood occupations officer and made by joinery trainees on the council's training and employment programme.

It will be presented by the trainees to Stockton mayor Councillor Terry Bean and will take pride of place in Stockton Town Hall foyer.

Mr Miller said: "This is a totally unique design, which has been hand produced by the trainees.

"It really is one of a kind for Stockton."

He said: "They have done a marvellous job and learnt a great deal throughout the project.