EACH time she looks out of her kitchen window, Kim Eavis remembers the home she did not want to leave.

Her former home, where she brought up her family, is a few feet from her back door - crushed to rubble under what is now her lawn.

The mother-of-three is among a group of 20 former council tenants whose crumbling 1940s homes in Westfield were demolished last year because they were too expensive to repair.

Former landlord Wear Valley District Council struck a deal with the Three Rivers Housing Association to rebuild them on the same sites.

Kim moved into her new house 13 months ago and has resolved a number of minor problems with the association.

But her main complaint is about the back garden, which she says is too dangerous for her children to play in.

Three Rivers Housing Association customer service director Peter Ottowell has promised to meet Kim and her next-door neighbour, Pauline Richardson, who is angry that a shower has not been provided for her disabled son.

Kim said: "The houses are a disgrace. I can't let my children play in the garden because the lawn is rock hard. We can't even put a swing up for my little girl.

"Hot water comes out of the cold tap, there are bluebottles breeding in the window cavity - and that is after we have had other things sorted out.

Three Rivers spokeswoman Elaine Leong said: "We take all complaints very seriously.