A PAIR of callous criminals hatched a plot to fleece vulnerable pensioners of cash in a string of despicable con trick burglaries.

Derek Howe, 31, and John McLaughlin, 27, preyed on 11 pensioners, some in their nineties.

The pair were already on bail for other burglaries when they teamed up to target homes across County Durham, South Shields, Jarrow and Ashington.

Prosecutor Paul Cross said that one would call on the pretext of leaving a parcel for a neighbour, while the other would sneak inside.

During one burglary, a 90-year-old woman from Gateshead was robbed of her life savings, which she kept in a biscuit barrel.

On October 16, last year, the homes of pensioners aged 91, 92 and 79 were ransacked.

On October 20 the pair moved to Gateshead, where they robbed three pensioners in their eighties - one of whom was nearly blind.

But they were cornered when police launched an undercover surveillance operation and watched the pair carry out five similar crimes.

One woman, from Burnopfield, County Durham, had two wallets stolen from her house, which contained £2,000.

Yesterday, Howe, of Bramble Dykes, Newcastle, and McLaughlin, of Dunholme Road, Newcastle, were jailed for five years and nine months each after admitting conspiracy to burgle and separate offences of burglary.

Barristers defending the pair said they were deeply ashamed and hated themselves for what they had done.

Passing sentence Judge Tim Hewitt said: "These are mean, despicable offences."