A HELPING hand has been offered to visually impaired youngsters courtesy of a fast food restaurant's customers.

People donated £200 during a fun day at McDonald's restaurant, in Durham's Arnison Centre, last month.

A cheque was presented to the visually impaired unit on the Belmont School site, on the outskirts of Durham.

The unit offers specialist teaching to youngsters of all ages with varying visual impairments, in County Durham. It was chosen as a pet charity by staff at the McDonald's branch because of the valuable role it offers to young people with sight problems.

Fittingly, the cheque was handed over by David Wilkinson, who has suffered reduced visibility due to the onset of retinitis pigmentosa, better known as tunnel vision, during the past ten years.

Forty-eight-year-old David, whose daughter Nikki works as customer care manager at the McDonald's branch at the Arnison Centre, took along his guide dog, golden labrador Ruby, yesterday, as a treat for youngsters at the school.

Nikki said since her father had suffered his eye problems he had worked with various visual aid charities offering support and advice to sufferers.