AN OLD soldier is preparing to sweat it out in an African desert to help ex-servicemen.

Former Durham Light Infantry sergeant Bob Martin is the oldest member of a 70-strong team heading to South-West Africa for a week-long walk across 80 miles of the Namib Desert.

The 76-year-old Chelsea Pensioner believes he will be fit to face the strenuous desert adventure. "You could say my passion is walking."

Bob hopes to raise £2,000 to be split between two of the biggest military charities supporting disabled and low income former service people, SSAFA Forces Help and the Royal United Kingdom Beneficent Association.

Bob, who lives in retirement at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, was back in the area for a weekend DLI re-union. He attended the unveiling of a ceremonial stone honouring the DLI's VC winners. See Page 4.