Sir, - Further to the "piffle" I read regarding Creets bridge in our village, what an enormous pity the views of our own parish council were not adhered to.

Councillors Ashby and O'Keefe were campaigning for this bridge to be widened long before it collapsed. It is only 10ft wide and two cars cannot pass on it.

The consensus of opinion in this village is that it is the "road to Ripon" for shopping, work and entertainment. I understand the parish council was split on the vote for it to be widened with the majority for it.

As Coun O'Keefe said in your paper, it is a horse and cart bridge built in those times and it is waiting for an accident.

Plans were drawn up by North Yorkshire County Council for a 6m bridge to be built but then English Heritage got involved and said it had to be rebuilt as listed. It was built as a horse and cart bridge; why doesn't the county council respect the views of Couns Ashby and O'Keefe and the majority of the village?

Maybe English Heritage would like the bridge removed and made into a ford for horses and carts only? We're in the 21st century AD not BC. As far as speeding is concerned, the attention should be on Kirkby main street and back lanes. Perhaps English Heritage would like to see monks back at Fountains Abbey. They're living in the past.


Mowbray Crescent,

Kirkby Malzeard,


Bridge too narrow

Sir, - I was amazed to read the report in your paper that English Heritage had refused NYCC permission to widen Creets cridge at Kirkby Malzeard.

Who do these people think they are? If common sense was on the end of their noses they still wouldn't see it. If these people are paid in half inch washers, they are overpaid.

If English Heritage wants to play 1066, go to Fountains Abbey. It is 2001 at Kirkby Malzeard, with 40-ton lorries and large agricultural tractors and implements and not mules and carts.

I have given Mike Moore (the county highways officer) some stick on this page in the past, rightly, but I say to him: Stick two fingers up at English Heritage and build a new wider bridge. The army bridge has done a good job, why not get another, but twice as wide. This could be done with minimum traffic disruption. Then let English Heritage do what it wants with the previous little bridge.


Southfield Avenue,


Let people decide

Sir, - Mr Elliott's further contribution to the common currency debate (D&S, Sept 7) is notable for its ominous silence on the fate of the thousands of employees of the automobile, television and pharmaceutical multi-nationals currently based in the North-East.

It is likely that they will prefer relocating their manufacturing base to the common currency Euro zone if the Euro is rejected.

Business for Sterling North-East should leave the decision to the good sense of the people of North-East, who will exercise their democratic rights through a referendum.


Press officer,

Vale of York Labour party

Typical Labour

Sir, - I just wonder how many noticed that all the wards in Redcar and Cleveland council last to benefit from community wardens are opposition held, excepting Longbeck and Guisborough where two out of three are Conservative.

This is by no means the first time. It seems that if voters choose to elect Conservative, Liberal Democrat or East Cleveland Independent councillors, to the end of the queue they go.

Very "inclusive" and "democratic." Typically "New Labour!"




Election thanks

Sir, - In the recent Richmondshire District Council elections for the ward of Catterick with Tunstall I was unfortunately an unsuccessful candidate.

I would, however, like to express my thanks to all those who voted for me and assure all the residents of the ward that I continue to work for them on the Objective 2 European funding awarded to our rural area.

There were many interesting issues raised on the doorsteps and I will pass them to the parish council concerned.

I assure you of my continued support for the ward.



Brough with St Giles Parish Meeting.