A DELIGHTED County Durham breeder had her seven-year-old skewbald gelding qualify for the Horse of the Year Show at Wembley at the weekend.

Clare Martin of Stainton Village and her husband, Glen, took their 16hh gelding, Merrigan, down to the Colour Horse and Pony Society (CHAP) international show in Cheshire for the three-day event.

Penny Thornton of Stainton rode him in two classes on Sunday, the first of which was the Wembley qualifier, which he won.

"There must have been 20 quality horses competing for it," said Clare. "It is really stiff competition. It will be the first time I will ever have been to Wembley and to qualify is the epitome of every breeder's ambition."

Later Merrigan and Penny went on to pit themselves against the best from all the qualifiers around Britain, winning the large ridden horse final.

"It is really team work," said the breeder. "Penny has done such a lot of schooling and she has a good rapport with him now."

The team are now hoping to find some sponsorship in the region for the Wembley final.

"You don't make money in this game," Clare pointed out. "This weekend cost us £250 and we didn't make a penny out of it. It is just the kudos."