FIFTEEN shops in Stockton's new £43m shopping parade will open on Monday.

The remainder of the shops at Wellington Square will open in the run-up to the official launch, which is planned for October 25, with Century FM and an appearance by Georgia Taylor, who plays Toyah Battersby in Coronation Street.

Councillor Bob Cook, Stockton Borough Council's cabinet member for regeneration, said: "We welcome the opening of the new shops.

"The council and Wellington Square Development Company have worked very hard to bring this investment to Stockton.

"The new centre looks absolutely amazing.

"We are sure that it will prove to be a major asset for Stockton and attract shoppers from throughout the area."

Work on the Debenham's extension and refurbishment is well under way and will be ready in time for the official launch.

Marks and Spencer and Littlewoods have completed their renovations, and their stores will open on to the new pedestrian street when it is ready.

This will provide access from the High Street into Wellington Square, as both stores will have doors opening on to both of Stockton's main shopping streets.