A £25,000 road improvement scheme in Darlington is to help both pedestrians and motorists.

The puffin crossing installed in Coniscliffe Road, near Linden Avenue, which began operation yesterday, can sense when people are on the crossing.

It gives pedestrians more time to cross the road, but will not turn the traffic lights to red unless someone is crossing.

A spokesman for Darlington Borough Council, which carried out the work, said: "This keeps the traffic flowing, rather than it being stuck when people have pressed the button but have managed to cross without waiting for the lights to turn to red. The lights will not stay red if there is no-one on the crossing.

"This is placed at a wide part of Coniscliffe Road and will help school children crossing the road, as well as pedestrians, particularly those trying to cross from Carmel Road North to Carmel Road South.

"Currently, they have to try to cross near the Elm Ridge roundabout, which can be very busy with traffic.

"This is a main route into Darlington, bringing those travelling from the Barnard Castle direction."