A SNEAK burglar who raided 11 homes in a North-East town has been put behind bars for three years.

Brian Garbutt, 21, struck at three houses in one street in Guisborough, east Cleveland, during his two-month crime spree.

At two of the homes in Priory Close, elderly people were in their living rooms watching TV when he sneaked in.

Judge Peter Fox told Garbutt, of Walton Terrace, Guisborough: "These were audacious and determined offences."

Garbutt admitted the 11 burglaries of houses and garages during April and May, and four thefts from cars.

John Walker, prosecuting, told Teesside Crown Court yesterday that Garbutt, who committed the offences to feed his heroin addiction, was caught by police with valuables from two of the burglaries.

Christine Egerton, defending, said: "He has been frank with the police because he wants to wipe the slate clean."

Judge Fox said: "You were given bail and committed further offences. Heroin addiction is not the slightest excuse and you need a long spell inside for the opportunity to come out clean of drugs."