CHAMPIONSHIP winner Murray Armstrong pipped his best friend to this year's title of best dog in show.

The 55-year-old, from Carlisle, Cumbria, beat off tough competition, including his long-time friend Pam Marsten-Pollock.

Mr Armstrong, who has been showing dogs since he was a teenager, picked up the title with his Hungarian vizsla, Kazval Keats, who is four-and-a-half years old.

Murray said: "I'm absolutely over the moon to have won. This really is the pinnacle of my dog showing career so far.

"It is all the more wonderful that Pam has come second because we are really good friends and we have both had a fantastic year at the Darlington show."

The runner-up medal went to Ms Marsten-Pollock's two-year-old whippet Rosie.

The 45-year-old dog breeder said: "I'm disappointed not to have won the best in show event, but I am really pleased for Murray and Keats, and they do deserve to have won the show."