A LONG battle over licensing hours in Crook is drawing to a conclusion with the gran- ting of a late-night licence to a pub in the town.

Last November, six pubs in Crook applied for late-night entertainment licences to help stem the flow of drinkers to neighbouring towns at weekends.

The applications were refused by Wear Valley District Council, after complaints from people living near the pubs that extra noise and nuisance would be created.

In March, Richard Chwieseni, landlord of Bar 56 and The Circuit, appealed against the decision at Bishop Auckland Magistrates' Court.

The magistrates agreed that the licence should be awarded on the condition that Mr Chwieseni fulfilled criteria including sound-proofing his premises and employing a minimum number of door staff agreed by the police.

Last Thursday, Wear Valley District Council decided he had met the conditions and gave permission for the two pubs to open until 12.30am on Fridays and Saturdays for a 12-month trial period.

Jeff Burke, from the council's licensing committee, said the development could set a precedence, but each case would be judged individually.

Mr Chwieseni was not available for comment