AN effort is being launched today to recruit more foster carers and adoptive parents for children in North Yorkshire.

The county's social services department is mounting an intensive two-week campaign which will include broadcasts, advertisements, posters and leaflets and public information displays.

There are 250 youngsters in foster care in the county, and homes are being sought for more.

Child placement manager John Heron said: "We need local people to look after local children so that they can stay close to their families, friends and schools."

Fostering includes respite or short break care when a child can stay for anything from a few hours a week to a weekend or a month.

Some carers choose to foster teenagers or children with disabilities.

Long-term care provides for children who are unable to live with their own families although they still have contact with them.

Carers can be single, married, divorced, unemployed or living in rented accommodation, and do not need to have children of their own. For information on fostering or adopting, call 0800 3892362.