VINTAGE motorcycles made their annual journey through the County Durham countryside yesterday, despite foot-and-mouth disease.

The 98-mile route of the 30th Beamish Trophy Trial had to be altered because the disease had returned.

The trial's ten off-road sections, traditionally a popular feature among owners of vintage, veteran and classic motorcycles and light cars, were already excluded.

Durham Classic Motorcycle Club rerouted the event to avoid all "blue box" infected areas.

The trial started and finished at the car park of the Kings Head Hotel, in Lanchester, just off the A691 Durham to Consett road, where all vehicles passed through a precautionary wheel wash on departure.

Awards were made to 20 entries in different categories, based on finishing times and success at answering highway safety questions.

Pete Robson, of the motorcycle club, said: "It went really well and everyone got off on time at the start.

"We had 67 bikes, compared with 85 last year. I think that was due to the fact we couldn't have the off-road section, and some people like that part of the event the most.

"Also, we asked people from foot-and-mouth areas not to come.

"There were no mishaps, although a couple of bikes slipped off at Westgate Fort - it was a bit slippery - but they were okay."