BRASS bands from County Durham are to play at a memorial concert for Tim Holmes, 46, a member of Spennymoor Town Band who died from cancer in May.

Mr Holmes, of Wood View, Spennymoor, was involved in brass bands all his life.

He had also been a Territorial Army sergeant and member of the Royal Signals Territorial Army Band.

Secretary of Spennymoor Town Band, Hugh Stephenson, said: "We all felt we needed to do something special in his memory. Representatives of Fishburn, Cockerton silver and Spennymoor Town bands got together and decided on a massed bands concert, which will also feature the Royal Signals TA band."

The concert is at Spennymoor Town Hall on October 12, at 7.30pm. Tickets costing £4 are available on (01388) 815276, (01388) 812814, or from band members.

Money raised will go to East Green Residential Home, West Auckland, Spennymoor Junior Band and Spennymoor Health Centre.