ANSWERING the call of nature is about to become more expensive in Northallerton.

District councillors are preparing to approve the building of a £115,000 public convenience in the town.

In a break with tradition, a charge of 20p a time is likely to be introduced, as well as the lavatories having an attendant during opening hours.

Hambleton District Council has given permission for the demolition of the public lavatories, in the town's Applegarth, and council officers are finalising the design for a replacement.

At present, the authority does not have lavatory attendants or make a charge for the use of any public lavatories in the district. But in a survey in Northallerton, Thirsk and Bedale, 46 per cent of those questioned said they believed the quality of the lavatories was important.

About 45 per cent said that they wished to see attendants because of the fear of intimidation when using the toilet.

Eighty per cent said they would pay 20p if it meant an attendant was employed and the lavatories were maintained to a high standard.

The design of the lavatories also depends on whether an attendant will be employed, because if not, the facility needs to be more robust to withstand vandalism.

It is also proposed to reduce the opening hours of the lavatories, from 7am to 7pm.

The existing lavatories are little used in the evening and closing earlier will also reduce the risk of vandalism.

The cost of employing attendants seven days a week would be £25,800 a year.

The income from the proposed charges is expected to create an annual income of about £25,480.

The design of the lavatories includes facilities for the disabled, a shower, and baby changing and feeding areas.